Meet Ashley Solomon owner of Jus Fancee Boutique

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We were lucky to catch up with Ashley Solomon recently and have shared our conversation below.

Ashley , appreciate you joining us today. How did you come up with the idea for your business?

I have always known I wanted to be in the fashion industry. My interests started when I was a teenager and I wanted to be a model. I even tried out for America’s Next Top Model and went to John Casablanca tryouts. After high school, I enrolled in college to pursue an education in Fashion & Marketing. Unfortunately, life’s obstacles had me move back to my hometown in Baxley, GA., where a few family friends, I got the nickname Francesca aka Fancee like from the Jamie Foxx show. Because they noticed that I always dressed to impress. I felt I needed to, because I never knew who would discover me! . I always had the ambition to make my own path in life. I had a desire to build an empire for my son and I (now I have 3 boys). While I temporarily worked in Florida, I started my own business called Fancee Cakes where I started baking and selling cheesecakes. During my time in Florida, I saw a clothing store that was going out of business. I bought some of their dresses and sent them home to my sister to model them and sell them on social media. That resale experience was successful.

When I returned o Georgia, not only did I continue my Fancee Cakes business, but I also continued the resale clothing work. Seeing the growing success of the clothing sales, I taught myself to be savvy on computers and started using the resources I had to build my online business. In 2017, I was proud to start my online clothing business, Jus Fancee Boutique.
I am very passionate about women’s empowerment thru the use of fashion. It is my goal to lift women up and make them feel confident in what they wear, by adding “Flare to their Wear”! It just gets me excited! I have a unique eye for fashion for special occasions and for the everyday look. A woman should feel her best, even going to the grocery store, dropping their kids off at school, while pregnant, etc. I help women with their everyday confidence to look fancee and be comfortable.

Ashley , love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?

I am Ashley Solomon, the owner and creator of Jus Fancee Boutique, LLC. Jus Fancee Boutique is an online fashion boutique that I love to express my personality through fashion and accessories by offering unique apparel; such as dresses, tops, jumpsuit/rompers, pants, shoes, and jewelry to women of versatility and style! I also design and sell blinged shoes on my online website.

My crafts started really young, when I used to draw, write poetry, stories, and come up with slogan to put on shirts. I just love being creative and coming up with different things to do.

When it comes to problem solving, I hope to encourage high self esteem and confidence to all women when they step into my merchandise. I would love for women to always feel beautiful no matter the time of day, shape of their body, etc.

I try to impress my customers at every opportunity, therefore what sets me apart from the rest is providing good quality product, creativity of style and great customer service. My goal is to go over and beyond to make sure that each customer is satisfied with their product and has received any information that they would like to know about Jus Fancee Boutique and my products and for them to be a returning customer.

I am proud that I remained determined to achieve my goal to create and launch my business no matter what anyone thought or thinks. No one has to know you have the vision or why you believe you can do it. As long as you believe in yourself and just go for it! Now that I have achieved launching my business, I realized that it takes a lot of discipline and consistency. I may be working my own schedule, but I am at my computer or phone everyday, almost all day fulfilling orders, packing and shipping orders, administering my website and staying consistent with uploading products to all platforms.

I would like for my followers and customers to know that I plan to continue to provide them with the best quality products and best customer service, because here at Jus Fancee Boutique LLC., I aim to satisfy each and every customer to the best of my knowledge. You will not be disappointed when shopping from my online boutique.

We’d love to hear your thoughts about selling platforms like Amazon/Etsy vs selling on your own site.

Yes, I sell on my website and other platforms like Amazon, Etsy, etc. The pros of advertising on Amazon offers so many ways to profit from their company. You have to figure out which way suits your business best; such as, influencer, seller, or an affiliate. Etsy offers a great way to upload your product, quick and easy, but every platform has their rules and policies that you have to definitely read or your shop on their websites will be closed. The cons of having an online business period is knowing how to get your business recognized. As for me, the idea of having a website is to be worldwide not just local. I appreciate all my local shoppers, but I would love to have customers in every state and international. By the way, I have shipped merchandise to over 45 states!

Ladies, let me help you be as fancee as you can be!

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